The Moon Prayer

The world is full of people who don't believe in God. Many of them even believe in false gods. Think how many problems that causes! Wouldn't it be nice if they all realized the error of their ways?

We can save them. They're not all bad people - they're just mistaken. All they need is a clear sign. In the past, God has sent us prophets and performed miracles, proving that he cares enough about us to show us the way. So in these troubled times, let's pray to ask him for a sign - a clear sign that can't be misunderstood.

Let's all pray for God to show us a clear sign by writing on the face of the full moon, as follows:

Hindus should pray for him to write the word Om in Sanskrit   Jews should pray for him to write the name Jehovah in Hebrew
Taoists should pray for him to write the word Tao in Chinese   Jains should pray for him to write the name Mahavira in Sanskrit
Buddhists should pray for him to write the name Buddha in Sanskrit   Confucians should pray for him to write the name Confucius in Chinese
Christians should pray for him to write the name Jesus in Greek   Muslims should pray for him to write the name Allah in Arabic
Sikhs should pray for him to write the Ek Onkar in Gurmukhi   Baha'i should pray for him to write the Greatest Name in Arabic

So all these religious conflicts will soon be over for good!

There's only one rule: if we pray for a sign, we have to accept the result. Whichever of the signs above appears on the face of the moon, we have to acknowledge it as the truth, even if we turn out to be wrong.

But of course we know we're right, and soon, everyone else will know it, too. So please organize all your friends to pray for our sign to appear. Give them the link to this site, and ask them to pass it along to their friends, too.

What if they say "God works in mysterious ways. We cannot tell him what to do."? True, we don't command God. But we can ask him to reward our faith, and to help us bring his lost sheep back to the flock. After all, isn't that what he and we have been trying to do for millennia?

And if no sign appears, does that mean the atheists were right? Well, maybe. But it could also mean that God wishes we would just stop nagging him with all this prayer and worship and just get back to doing what he built us to do, like all his other creations! If so, that would be good to know, too.

For God's sake, pray for a sign.